A Mole Odyssey

Ludum Dare #28 – A Mole Odyssey

Project Description

– Game Jam Theme: “Beneath the Surface”
– Game: PC/Mobile/Webb
– Engine: Unity 3D
– Development Time: 3 days (though we were one day late on starting.)
– Team size: 1 Level Designer, 2 Game Designer, 1 Programmer.

Link to Download


– Creating the majority of all art such as: the Earth, the mole, the space background and the moon.
– Creating and tweaking particle effects.
– Picking sounds.
– Tweaking gameplay variables.
– Scripting/tweaking game controls.


The player takes the role of a Mole who’s sole goal is to destroy planet Earth and go to the moon. To do so the mole digs and jumps out in outer space to land with greater speed and simply boomerang back and forth until the mole has enough speed to destroy the Earth.